Ideas into Dollars

A Resource Guide for Inventors and Innovative Small Businesses

Table of Contents

Foreword How to Use This Guide ....

Acknowledgements . . .

Your Help Requested .....

Invention Stage .................................................4 Idea Generation Phase ...........................................4 Idea Evaluation Phase ...........................................4 University Evaluation Centers ..................................4 Government Evaluation Offices ..................................5 Inventors' Associations.........................................6 Corporations....................................................6 Publications on Idea Evaluation ................................6

Commen:ialization Stage .........................................7 Protection and Legal Assistance Phase ...........................7 Private Patent and Copyright Organizations .....................7 Federal Patent and Trademark Office.............................7 Government Publications on Patents and Protection ..............7 Nongovernment Publications on Patents and Protection............8 Financial Assistance Phase ......................................8 Venture Capital Organizations...................................8 Government Grant Programs ......................................9 Important Financial Assistance Publications....................10 State Government Sources of Information on Federal and State Grants ..................................................11 Management and Technical Assistance Phase ......................11 Invention Brokers and Consultants .............................11 SBA Management Assistance Programs ............................12 SBA Management Assistance Publications ........................12 NASA Technical Assistance Programs and Publications ...........12 Nongovernment Publications on Innovation Management ...........13 Production and Sales Phase .....................................13 Government Procurement Programs ...............................13 State Economic Development and Small Business Programs ........14 Procurement, R&D and Technology Conferences ...................14

Publications of Interest .......................................15 Professional Journals .........................................15 Books .........................................................15

Appendices .....................................................17 1. Patent Depositories ........................................17 2. Grant Application Procedures................................17 3. DOE Regional Offices .......................................17 4. Federal Assistance Prograrns Retrieval System ..............18 5. SBA Field Offices ..........................................19 6. SADBU Offices ..............................................20 7. SBA PASS Phone Numbers and Mailing Addresses ...............21 8. State Small Business Programs .............................22 9. Small Business Development Centers .........................23 10. NASA Industrial Applications and Slate Technology Applica tions Centers ................................................24

Foreword- How to Use this Guide

Both the individual inventor and the small, high technology firm face major obstacles during process of creating, develop ing, and commercializing an innovation-of turning ideas into dollars. Ideas into Dollars is aimed at making those obstacles less intimidating. By providing you as inventors and small business managers ~,with information on the variety of government and private organizations, programs, and publications dealing with invention and innovation, the SBA hopes to in crease your chances of commercial success.

The contents of this publication are organized to be quickly accessible: the process of innovation, along with the appropriate resources, is laid out in successive stages from invention through commercialization. The resources listed in this Guide should help you as an inventor or small business owner or manager to mix effectively the four essential ingredients necessary for turning ideas into dollars: 1) determining technical feasibility, 2) assessing market demand, 3) identifying capital sources, and 4) developing overall management competence.

We suggest you skim this Guide, determine the stage you are in, and then "dive into" the wealth of information available from the resources listed. As advocates for small business, we understand the complications faced by an inventor or innovative firm when dealing with Government Agencies. The purpose of writing Ideas into Dollars is to help you deal effectively with all the complexities, blind alleys, and frustrations that are frequently a part of working with Federal Agencies, corporations and other larger organizations. By explaining whom to contact and what procedures to follow, this Guide should help the innovation process flow somewhat more smoothly.


Several individuals in both Management Assistance and Advocacy were principal contributors. Barry Unger, of Innovation Support in Arlington, Mass., a Presidential Exchange Executive at SBA during 197980, was the publication's Technical and Science Advisor and Jerry Feigen, Advocacy's Associate Advocate for Capital Formation and Venture Capital, was the liaison between Management Assistance and Advocacy. Dr. Bruce Whiting, Director of Program Delivery for Management Assistance, was the originator of the project and Gregory Dielcks, Writer/Editor, Support Services Branch, was the Project Director.

Your Help Requested

Readers who are aware of any additional resources, whether publications, programs, or organizations, which would be of use to inventors or small, high technology firms, are requested to please send a full description of them to:

Ideas Into Dollars U.S. Small Business Administration (MA/SSB) 1441 L Street, NW Washington, D. C. 20416

The information contained in this publication was current at the time of writing. However, over time, programs change, publications come and go, organizations are restructured, and offices move. While every effort has been made by SBA to assure accuracy, some of the specific information may become dated.

Invention Stage

Idea Generation Phase

Idea generation has two interrelated components: the psychology of creativity, and the organizational encouragement and promotion of new product ideas.

The thrust of this Guide is not to describe the nature of creativity, although creativity is the basis of invention. For those interested in studying creativity, there are many publications on its psychology. Most university and large local libraries will reference them. The American Psychological Association, 1200 17th Street, N.W., Washington DC 20036, (202) 8337600, publishes a broad range of journals and indexes. It welcomes inquiries. The Creative Education Foundation, Inc., 1300 Elmwood Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14222, located at the University State College, has an extremely extensive library of reference materials on creativity. For further information write or call (716) 8786221.

This Guide also does not presume to tell the small, high technology firm or the individual scientist, engineer, or technician how to arrive at new ideas, whether individually or organizationally. This Guide, however, does provide detailed advice on the resources available for use during the process of turning ideas into dollars-once the initial idea has been created.

Idea Evaluation Phase

Idea evaluation is the first major step after a concrete, detailed idea has been developed. This is a critical phase since every following phase requires the investment of more time and money. The purpose of an idea evaluation is to determine the overall technical and commercial feasibility of an idea-what its full potential actually is.

These evaluation activities seek to determine whether the fledgling invention is a marked improvement over its competition; whether it is likely to be commercially viable; what the probable demand for it will be; who could produce it, and how it would be distributed. The ultimate purpose here is to arrive at the decision to go ahead to the commercialization stage, to redesign the invention, or to kill the project altogether.

There are both private, money making organizations and public or quasi public organizations like innovation centers that can assist the inventor at this stage. The money making organizations include invention brokers and consultants, some of whom are in the business not only of bringing the inventor and buyer together-an aspect of commercialization-but also of helping evaluate the technical and commercial aspects of the invention or idea. Some work for a set fee. Others work on a contingent fee basis. This means that while the technical/commercial evaluation may be free, they will receive a percentage of the profits-but only if there are profits. These private organizations are discussed in more detail in the Commercialization Stage, see page 7.

On the non profit side, several types of organizations can help evaluate inventors ideas, both technically and commercially but, unlike invention brokers, they are either free or charge a nominal fee. You should not become discouraged if a negative evaluation is received. Since there is no standardized evaluation system, try someplace else. However, any limitations cited by the evaluation reviews should be considered by you when determining ways to improve upon your invention. Among these public and quasi public evaluation organizations are: universities, Government Agencies, inventors' associations, and corporations (since they generally do not charge to develop a promising idea.)

University Evaluation Center. Many universities have formal programs specifically designed to assist individuals with ideas for new or improved products or services. Nearly every state has a least one college or university that can provide research and development facilities to technically oriented companies or individuals. Listed below are the principal university evaluation programs whose pur pose it is to promote innovation, invention, and product development.

MIT Enterprise Forum Alumni Center 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02319 (617) 253~240

A non profit organization affiliated with Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Provides entrepreneurs officers of technically oriented businesses with onetime (with occasional follow-ups available] evening panel discussions or "clinics" organized around a review of their startup or ongoing business, its plans, and the critical problems or issues it faces. Panels consist of 5 to 6 successful entrepreneurs and experts from industry, academia, and government who are recruited specifically to address the technological and business issues of the case at hand. The effort is made to have a panel broad enough to give a full perspective on the characteristics and opportunities of the entrepreneur's business. The nature of problems that companies have sought advice on has ranged from organizational strategy, to marketing, to financing, to managerial style and succession, to staffing, to increasing profitability, to requests for a general review of company operations or a review of a new company's business plans. Most of the approximately 30 companies served so far have found the "clinic" experience helpful. Sessions currently are held in the New York and Boston areas. Special arrangements, however, can be made to accommodate those companies based in other locations. A fee of $100 to defray expenses is charged to companies who are accepted for presentation to the Enterprise Forum.

The M.I.T. Enterprise Forum also runs occasional other activities such as a daylong program with workshops on Financing Technology Based Organizations. Businesses entrepreneurs seeking assistance should contact Paul E. Johnson (Executive Director), Arthur C. Parthe Jr., Stanley R. Rich, or Barry Unger at the above address.

The University of Kansas Center for Research, Inc. 2291 Irving Hill Road Campus West Lawrence, KS 66045

The Center offers an interdisciplinary approach to solving technical problems companies often encounter when developing new products. Those interested should write the Center brief explanation of their needs.

Carnegie Mellon University Center for Entrepreneurial Development 4516 Henry Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 (412) 6213940

This Center aids inventors and business owners in overcoming problems related to new product development. Provides technical advice idea evaluation.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology Innovation Center Room 33111 Cambridge, MA 02139 (617) 2536947

The Center evaluates and screens innovations. Emphasizes idea evaluation and start up problem assessment. Students are heavily involved in this Center's programs.

University of Utah Utah Innovation Center Office of Business 391G So. Chiteta Way Salt Lake City, UT 84112 (801) 581-3433 Assists inventors with development of their ideas. Screens and evaluates new product ideas and provides assistance in writing business plans.

California State University at Fresno Bureau of Business Research and Service Fresno, CA 93740 (209) 487-2352

Conducts research on small business problems. Provides consulting services for small businesses.

Industrial Technology Research and Development Foundation (ITRAD) P.O. Box 1335 132 No. l2th Durant, OK 74701 (405) 9245094 A federally funded, nonprofit, Oklahoma State University affiliated evaluation center supporting south-central United States. Performs idea evaluations and commercial feasibility analyses.

Center for Private Enterprise and Entrepreneurship Hankamer School of Business Suite 308 Baylor University Waco, TX 76703 817) 7553766

Offers an Innovation Evaluation service aimed at determining commercial feasibility. A nominal $50 fee is required.

Center for New Business Executives Innovation Center P. O. Box 12793 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 (919) 5498193 An independent, state affiliated organization, closely associated with the University of North Carolina. Provides training and management assistance to new and potential entrepreneurs.

Wisconsin Innovation Service Center __ A Service of the University of Wisconsin Small Business Development Center

402 McCutchan University of Wisconsin Whitewater, WI 53190 (414) 4721365

For a $75 fee, performs an extensive preliminary commercial feasibility analysis.

Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurial Development 209 Classroom Building University of California Santa Cruz, CA 95064 (408) 4Z92980

Provides credit and noncredit seminars and practice sessions on idea evaluation and invention management.

The Small Business Administration's Division of Management Assistance, 1441 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20416, sponsors a nationwide, university based Small Business Development Center program. These Centers provide a wide range of management assistance to inventors and small, high technology firms, including idea evaluation. Appendix 9 lists these Centers and their phone numbers. Contact the Center in your area for more information.

Not all evaluation centers respond immediately; so, as an inventor, do not become discouraged if your letters are not always answered. Perseverance is important.

Government Evaluation Offices National Bureau of Standards, Institute of Applied Technology, Office of Energy Related Inventions (OERI), Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20234, (202) 9211000.

The NBS Energy Related Invention Evaluation Program aims at encouraging innovation in developing mononuclear technology. The program evaluates all promising energy related inventions. NBS does not offer grant assistance but rather acts as a screening and referral agency for the Department of Energy (DOE) which does provide funding. Interested energy oriented inventors may write to OERI for a complete information packet containing the appropriate application forms and a full description of their evaluation process. The DOE grant program is discussed in the Government Grant Pro grams section of the booklet, see page 9. It should be mentioned that this NBS evaluation program is a lengthy process which recommends about 11/2 percent of the submissions to WE. WE, however, funds nearly all those recommended.

NBS's Office of Energy Related Inventions also has an Inventor Information Resources Center pilot project. Three public libraries, Boston Public Library, Sunnyvale (CA) Public Library, and Price Gilbert Public Library (Atlanta, GA) are to act as depositories for and access points to a wide range of computer accessible data, instructional and technical information. These libraries are also Patent Depositories. Contact NBS for more information.

The Small Business Administration is funding three Innovation Centers to help inventors and small, high technology firms develop and market their innovations. These Centers are similar to the University Evaluation Centers but offer a much wider range of services. The SBA Centers not only can provide engineering, design, and testing assistance, they also offer management assistance in such areas as market research and planning, production planning, personnel management, financial accounting systems development. and venture capital source analysis. These services span the entire invention commercialization continuum. Each Center has a different orientation. For more details contact:

Innovation Center Commercial Credit Management Corporation 300 St. Paul Place Baltimore, MD 21202

This Center emphasizes high technology products like electronics.

Center for Innovation PO Box 3809 Butte, MT 59701 (406) 4946100

The emphasis here is on new products and inventions related to energy, agriculture, and mining.

Golden State Energy Center Bldg. 1055 Fort Cronkhite Sausalito, CA 94965 (415) 5617692

This Center works primarily with San Francisco based firms in the area of renewable energy products and processes. The Center works closely with the Department of Energy, and other Federal and State Agencies.

Inventors' Associations Inventors' Associations provide advice on a new product development, idea evaluation, etc. They frequently publish newsletters so inventors can keep in touch with each other and with the new trends in engineering design. They also advertise inventions. Listed below are some of these associations. You can use these associations to talk with people "who have gone through it all before" and can give advice on other sources of help.

American Society of Inventors 134 Narberth Avenue Room 101 Narberth, PA 19072

California Inventors' Council Box 2096 Sunnyvale, CA 94087

Central Florida Inventors' Club 2511 Edgewater Drive Orlando, FL 32804

Inventors' Assistance League 345 West Cypress Glendale, CA 91204

Inventors of California/National Innovation Workshop P.O. Box 158 Rheem Valley, CA 94570

Inventors' Workshop International Box 251, Tarzana, CA 91356; and 32-22 92nd Street Oueens, N.Y. 11369

Minnesota Inventors' Congress Box 71 Redwood Falls, MN 56283

Mississippi Society of Scientists & Inventors Box 2244 Jackson, MS 39205

Oklahoma Inventors' Congress Box 53043 Oklahoma City, OK 73162

Technology Transfer Society 11720 W. Pico Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90064

Corporations Many corporations, due to legal complications among other reasons, make it their policy not to review ideas coming from the outside-at least the likelihood is remote. However, if you have a well developed idea and are looking for a larger com pany to evaluate, manufacture, and/or sell it, then you should consult reference publications like Thomus' Register of Manufacturers, Dun ~ Bradstreet directories, MacRae's Blue Book, for the names, addresses, phone numbers and product orientations of the various companies.

To submit ideas to companies not specifically oriented to handle inventions, you may find useful a publication by the American Bar Association's Section of Patent, Trademark & Copyright Law entitled, "Submitting an Idea." It describes the usual procedures involved in submitting an idea to a company. Copies are available for a nominal fee from:

Circulation Department American Bar Association 1155 East 60th Street Chicago, IL 60637

Publications on Idea Evaluation See: Books section, page 13, for materials on Invention Manage ment.

Guide to Invention and Innovation Evaluation, Gerald G. Udell, Michael F. O'Neill and Kenneth G. Baker. GPO. Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. $3.50. Stock Number 038 000 004115.

The Light bulb, Inventors' Workshop International, Box 251, Tarzana, CA 91356.

Commercialization Stage

The Commercialization Stage Phases include Protection and Legal Assistance, Financial Assistance, Management Assistance, and Production and Sales Assistance.

Protection and Legal Assistance Phase

Now that the invention has passed through the Invention Stage, its design and commercial potential should be clear. If you have not already begun to do so, the time is now to consider how best to protect your new product or process. You should also now investigate the legal aspects of getting your invention produced and distributed. What will be your legal relationship to the entity producing your new product? Will you have a licensing arrangement with an established company? Will you form a joint venture with an established company? Will you go into business for yourself, or simply sell your invention to someone who has production, marketing and distribution facilities?

Let's first discuss protecting your invention once the final design has been determined. Many private organizations help inventors with patent and invention protection matters and make referrals to attorneys specializing in these matters. The following Organizations can provide you with important information on patent procedures, ownership rights and trade secrets.

Private Patent and Copyright Organizations American Patent Law Association (APLA) 2001 Jefferson Davis Highway Suite 203 Arlington, VA 22202 (703) 5211680

This is an association of patent lawyers. It publishes the APLA Bulletin and a quarterly Journal. The APLA acts as an advertising and referral agency for patent attorneys and those who need their services.

Institute for Invention and Innovation 85 Irving Street P.O. Box 436 Arlington, MA 02174 (617) 646~093

Publishes Copyright Management and Invention Management.

Licensing Executive Society (LES) Department LES 20501 Ford Road Dearborn, MI 48128 (313) 2711500

Publishes LES Nouvelles, a quarterly journal.

Nation Patent Council, Inc. Suite 301, Crystal Plaza 1 2001 Jefferson Davis Highway Arlington, VA 22202

The Council members principally come from the patent sections of corporations. It publishes a journal entitled Patent Trends, which covers cases heard before the US Court of Customs and Patent Appeals. The judgments of this court are final unless reviewed by the Supreme Court on a Writ of Certiorari.

Patent Office Society Box 2089 Eads Station Arlington, VA 22202

(703) 5573955

Publishes both a monthly Newsletter and a Journal.

United Inventors and Scientists of America 14431 Chase Street Panorama City, CA 91402 (213) 9889320

Publishes the UISA Newslettcr and the List of Inventions Available for Licensing.

Federal Patent and Trademark Office For the invention that is patentable, the Patent and Trademark Office is the official agency where this is legally executed. Written correspondence should be sent to Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, DC 20231 or phone (703) 5573158.

The Patent Office provides several services for the inventor, in addition to patent protection. First, it has a Document Disclosure Program which permits the certified storage of papers for up to two years. This certified storage not only keeps safe important papers but also provides evidence of the date of the conception of inventions.

Second, before an inventor can obtain a valid patent, a search of pending patents must be made. The staff of the Patent Office will assist the inventor in this search, which can be done by going to the Search Room, Crystal Plaza, 2021 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, Virginia. There are also 29 Depository Libraries in the U.S. They keep complete files of all U.S. patents. See Appendix 1 for a listing. A search can be done at any of these libraries if more convenient.

Third, an official roster of all registered practitioners who prepare and prosecute patent applications for inventors is available (see: Government Publications below).

Fourth, for a small fee, the patented invention can be advertised, in the Patent Office's official Gazette, as being available for licensing or sale. The Gazette is widely circulated among manufacturers, research companies, and business owners. A Gazette entry includes the patent number, the name of the invention, and the inventor's name and address. And fifth, every February, in conjunction with National Inventors' Week, an inventors~ exposition is sponsored. Write to the Patent Office for complete information.

In addition to these five Government patent services, an important new law has been enacted. PL9~517 now allows small businesses to retain title (ownership) to an invention created with the help of Federal funds. So today, if a small business develops a patentable product or process while being funded by a National Science Foundation grant, for example, that firm can patent and proflt from its invention.

Government Publications on Patents and Protection The U.S. Department of Commerce, Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, DC 20231, publishes the following booklets.

For information on obtaining them, write or call (713) 557-3158.

Patents and Inventions: An Informal Aid for Inventors.

The Disclosure Document Program.

Questions and Answers About Patents.

Attorneys and Agents Registered for Practice before the U.S. Patent Office.

Official Gazette of the U.S. Patent Office.

Technology Assessment and Forecast.

Patents and Government Developed Inventions.

General Information Concerning Patents.

Patent and Trademark Office Notices.

The National Technical Information Service of the Department of Commerce, is the central source for the public sale of government sponsored research, development, and engineering reports prepared by Federal Agencies or contractors. NTIS has online search, bibliography and hard copy production capabilities. An especially useful NTIS publication for high technology firms is Government Inventions Available for Licensing. For full information about NTIS write: NTIS, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161 or call (703) 4874600.

The Small Business Administration offers two free publications on idea protection-MA 6.005 Introduction to Patents and SBB 90 New Product Ideas. Request copies from SBA, P.O. Box 15434, Ft. Worth, TX 76119.

Nongovernment Publications on Patents and Protection Abernathy, David and Wayne Knipe. Ideas, Inventions and Patents. Pioneer Press, P.O. Box 76025, Atlanta, GA 30328.

Bush, George P. and Robert H. Dreyfuss, editors. Technology and Copyright: Sources and Materials. Lomond Publications, P.O. Box 88, Mt. Airy, MD 21771.

Grosswirth, Marvin. The Mechanics Illustrated Guide to How to Patent and Market Your Own Invention. New York David McKay Co., 1978.

Jones, Stacy V. The Inventors Patent Handbook. The Deal Press, 750 Third Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10017.

Pressman, David R. Pntent It Yourself! How to Protect and Market Your Inventions. New York McGrawHill, 1979.

Taylor, Clarence R. How to be a Successful Inventor Patenting, Protecting, Marketing, and Selling Your Invention. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 197Z.

Pntent Licensing Gazette/Technology World. Technical Research Associates, Inc., Willow Grove, PA 19090.

Financial Assistance Phase

Funding is critical to the continued development of an invention, new product idea, or new method of doing something. The resources identified in this section can help you as an inventor or small firm in several ways: by supplying the funds needed to bring an invention into commercial production (venture capital companies, investment bankers, lenders, etc.), by negotiating for the inventor with these financial sources (brokers), or by giving grants for the continued development of an already well thought out idea ~Government grants.) Grants should not be confused with procurement. The next section of this publication, Production and Sales, deals with Government procurement; here we are discussing grant programs only.

Venture Capital Organizations Venture capital is another name for the funding needed to start a new business (based on your invention) or expand on existing one (again, based on an invention or new product idea). Traditional lenders like banks and savings and loan companies frequently resist becoming financially involved in such risky undertakings. However, there are several types of venture capital organizations that thrive on the uncertainties of start ing a business. These organizations usually want their equity investment (as opposed to a straight loan) to be easily convertible to cash at some future date, and they will take a much more active role in managing the new or expanded business than traditional lenders since they may now own some of your common stock or a share of your business in return for the loan. There are several principal sources of venture capital:

1) Venture Capital Companies privately or publicly held businesses;

Small Business Investment Companies (SBlC's~SBA licensed investment firms whose purpose is equity and risk, long-term capital lending. For more information on SBlCs, ask your SBA field office for SBIC Financing for Small Business, OPC13;

Large Corporations;

Investment Bankers and Bank Trust Departments in recent years more emphasis has been placed on venture capital funding by banks. Check with your local Chamber of Commerce, SBA or Department of Commerce field office, or your local banker for further information;

5) Insurance/Pension Plan Funding probably not of too much use for direct assistance as they lend to the lenders but worth investigating if you need a large sum; and

6) Public Funding the traditional sale of stock ownership through the public equity market.

To grant venture capital funding, these lenders will require from you a solid business plan. These organizations, it should be remembered, are interested in funding promising inventions or products, not in evaluating or developing ideas. So you will need a well thought out plan which describes the general nature of your new product, the structure of your business, the market for your product. its competitive superiority along with your production, sales and distribution plans, including revenue, costs, and profit projections. All these are required as a basis for your loan negotiation.

There are several listings of venture capital companies. One of these is published annually in the December issue of Venture Magazine, entitled "Venture Capital Directory." Copies can be obtained by writing Venture Magazine, Special Projects Department, 35 West 45th Street, New York, NY 10036, phone (212) 8405580. There is a nominal charge for the listing. Two recent books with extensive listings of venture capital companies, their addresses, phone numbers, product orientation, and so forth, might also be useful. One is a Guide to Venture Capital Sources (5th edition), Stanley E. Pratt, editor, 1981, Capital Publishing Corporation, Two Laurel Ave., P.O. Box 348, Wellesley Hills, MA 02181. The other is entitled Planning and Financing Your New Business: A Guide to Venture Capital, John McKiernan, 1978, Technology Management, Inc., P.O. Box 230, Chestnut Hill, MA 02167.

There are also two national trade associations of venture capital companies. The National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), Suite 750, 1225 19th Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, (202) 6595756, is interested in stimulating the free flow of capital to new and growing small businesses. Inventors and innovative small firms may wish to ask NVCA for advice on venture capital matters. The NVCA membership list of venture capital companies also might be worth requesting. The Na tional Association of Small Business Investment Companies (NAS81C), 618 Washington Building, N.W., Washington, DC 20005, (202) 6383411, publishes a Membership Directory (of the SBA underwritten SBICs referred to earlier on page 8) giving company name, address, phone numbers and industry preference. The Directory costs $1.00.

Government Grant Programs The Federal Government has a very complex system of grant programs. Nearly every Agency offers some kind of grant fun ding. In this section, coverage is limited to Project Grants, (research, technical assistance, training, unsolicited contractual agreements, etc.), Direct Payments, and Loan Assistance. Contracting for procurement of goods and services is covered in the Government Procurement Programs part of the Production and Sales Phase. Appendix 2 provides a summary of how to apply for Federal grants. Some of the principal grant oriented publications and programs include:

National Science Foundation (NSF) Grants

The NSF, Publications and Grants Applications Office, 1800 G Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20550, phone (202) 3577861, makes available several key publications which detail their own and other Agencies' R&D grant programs. They include the NSF Bulletin (monthly), the Guide to Programs, the Grant Policy Manual and the Small Business Guide to Federal R~D.

A key office, the one that publishes Small Business Guide to Federal R~D, is the Office of Small Business Research and Development. It acts as the axis between the scientific/technological elements of the small business community and NSF grant and procurement programs. This is a very useful contact for high technology small firms and can describe many of the NSF programs such as the new Small Business Innovation Research Program. For complete information on the activities of this office contact the Director, Small Business R&D Office, NSF, Room 1121, Washington, DC 20550, phone (202) 3577527.

The Engineering and Applied Science Directorate (EAS), publishes Program Solicitation for Small Business Innovation Research, NSF 7959. This booklet describes the EAS grant pro gram aimed at supporting advanced research in the general areas of applied science and engineering (excluding product development, technical assistance, pilot plant development, clinical and weapons' research) that could have significant public benefit if successful. Initial grants are in the $25,000 range, with more money possible at later stages. The Small Business Research and Development Office should be contacted for complete information on this program.

In addition to EAS Directorate programs, another key NSF grant program is the Appropriate Technology Program, which is aimed at strengthening the science base for appropriate technology development. For more information contact the Director, Appropriate Technology Program, Room 1108, NSF, 1800 G. Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20550, phone (202) 3577491.

Department of Energy Grants

Within Department of Energy, Washington, DC 20585, (202) 2525000, there are several grant type programs aimed at developing energy related technology. NSF's Small Business Guide to Federal R~D lists the DOE programs that relate to research and development. The following are some of the principal DOE grant programs:

The Appropriate Technology Small Grants Program funds projects that are of small scale, decentralized, and energy related. The major types of projects include: Concept Development where awards of up to $10,000 are granted to develop new ways to simplify or streamline energy use; Development where up to $50,000 is granted to test the new ideas; and Demonstration where up to $50,000 is granted for actual use testing. It should be borne in mind that less that 5% of those inventors seeking grants actually are awarded them. For further information contact: DOE, Office of Inventions and Small Scale Technology, Appropriate Technology Small Grants Program, Room 6G040, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20585, phone (202) 2529104. Since this pro gram is administered through the regional offices, the fastest response probably can be gotten by contacting your local DOE Regional Office. See Appendix 3 for a listing.

Another program sponsored by the Office of Inventions and Small Scale Technology of DOE provides the inventor with grants for continued research, development, modeling, hiring of consultants, etc. It is a part of the previously described NBS/DOE Energy Related Inventions Program. This Office considers grant requests only after a favorable evaluation by the National Bureau of Standards' Office of Energy Related Inventions. Therefore, to apply for these particular grants, do not contact DOE directly, go to the NBS first. NBS will thoroughly evaluate your invention and then forward your request to DOE if it is favorably evaluated. You should remember that only 10% of all evaluations by NBS are favorable. However nearly all of the favorable evaluations are funded by DOE. This NBS/DOE evaluation/grant program offers one time, one year grants ($80,000 average) to support mononuclear, energy related inventions. (Turn back to page 5 for information on the NBS evaluation program. For more information the DOE grant pro gram, contact either NBS or call DOE at (202) 8878258.)

Department of Commerce Grants

The US Department of Commerce's Office of Minority Business Enterprise sponsors several Special Project programs. The Technology Commercialization Program, for example, promotes new, high technology, minority small business opportunities. For further information contact: OMBE, Department of Commerce, 14th Street between Constitution Avenue and E Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20230, phone (202) 3773024.

The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration has a National Sea Grant Program that funds marine research. For further information contact: NOAA, National Sea Grant Program, 6010 Executive Blvd., Rockville, MD 20852, phone (301) 4438290.

The National Bureau of Standards offers grants for technical research and development on methods and approaches in the area of engineering and applied science. NBS' funds are granted by way of unsolicited proposals, that is, an unsolicited written offer by a business or individual to perform engineering and applied science research. Such proposals must contain a detailed description of an effort that will enhance NBS' research and development mission. It can not be an effort related to advertising or standard commercial product development. For further information ask for Guidelines for Preparation of Unsolicited Proposals from: National Bureau of Standards, Office Management Division, Technical Proposals Coordinator, Building 301, Room B126, Department of Commerce, Washington, DC 20234, phone (301) 9213521.

Department of Defense (DOD) Grants

DOD has a new program aimed at utilizing small, high technology firms to solve complex scientific/technical problems facing the national defense community. Phase I funding for preliminary R&D is up to $50,000. Phase II funding for advanced development is up to $500,000. Phase III consists of DOD production awards or commercial applications. For further information contact DOD, Director for Small Business and Economic Utilization Policy, Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, Rm 2A340, Pentagon, Washington, DC 20301.

Important Financisl A2~sistance Publications There are several important publications for those interested in learning more about the various sources of Federal financial assistance. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, Executive Office of the President, OMB, Washington, DC 20503, for sale by the Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402, is the basic reference tool needed to understand the entire Federal system of grants and financial assistance. (This book does not deal with procurement information.) The Catalog describes all the Federal programs of all Agencies, with programs cross indexed by subject, purpose, name, functional classification, eligibility requirements, etc. Also detailed are the types of assistance available, how to apply for assistance, how to write proposals and other sources of information. The Catalog is available through GPO, at many State and local government offices, in Federal Agency field offices, and at major libraries.

The Small Business Administration, 1441 L Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20416, publishes many pamphlets useful to inventors and small businesses seeking financial assistance. Free copies can be ordered from SBA, P.O. Box 15434, Fort Worth, TX 76119. Refer to the specific title and number.

MA 1.001The ABC's of Borrowing MA 2.007Business Plan for Small Manufacturers MA 1.00~Venture Capital Primer for Small Business

Another useful SBA publication on financial assistance is en titled Small Business Guide to Federal Financial Assistance. Copies can be obtained by writing the Director, Office of Information, Bureau for Advocacy at the Washington, DC address or by calling (202) 6536273.

The following SBA publications are sold by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402. (For current prices and mail order form, write: SBA, P.O. Box 15434, Fort Worth, TX 76119 and ask for SBA 115B, "For Sale Booklets".)

SBMS Small Business and Government Research and Development SBMS 39 Decision Points in Developing New Products

Other key Federal financial assistance publications are: OM8 Circular Nos. A21, A95 Parts I and III, A102, A110 A111 and FMC 744 Publications Office Office of Administration 726 lackson Place, N.W., Room G236 Washington, DC 20503

Guide for the Submission of Research and Development Proposals by Individuals and Organizations Other than Educational Institutions Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585

Guidelines for the Preparation of Unsolicited Proposals Research Applied to National Needs Program National Science Foundation Washington, DC 20550

Treasury Circular 1082 Department of Treasury Budget and Program Analysis, Room 2449 Washington, DC 20220

United States Government Manual Superintendent of Documents U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, DC 20402

Sources of Funds for Solar Activities Center for Renewable Resources (Not governmental) 1001 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., 5th Floor Washington, DC 20036 (202) 466~880

NASA Grant Handbook (NGH) NASA Procurement Regulations (NAPR) Superintendent of Documents Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 (202) 7833238

The Securities and Exchange Commission's Office of Small Business Policy offers several publications discussing the Federal securities laws small firms must comply with when raising capital through public security sales. Relevant publications include: Small Business, Capital Formation, and the Federal Securities Lows; S18; Rule z40 and 242; Regulation A; and Q ~ A: Small Business and the SEC. Single copies can be obtained by writing the Small Business Policy Office, 500 North Capitol Street, Washington, DC 20549. For multiple copies send requests to the Publications Office. The SEC phone number is (202) 2722644.

State Government Sources of Information on Federal and State Grant~ There exists at the state level, a central source of information about Federal grants and grants awarded by States and localities. The State Central Information Reception Agency (SCIRA) is an office or unit of State government designated by the Governor to receive notification of grant awards issued under the provisions of Treasury Circular 1082. Federal Agencies are required to notify the appropriate SCIRA in each State of Federal financial assistance awarded, any subsequent related transactions, changes in the value or duration of a grant, or Federal grants awarded to States or localities. The SCIRA in each State is set up primarily to serve the Governor and the legislature. The extent to which it is equipped to serve others such as local governments or the general public varies from State to State. See Appendix 4 for another computer based source of Federal grant information available in most States.

Management and Technical Assistance Phase

Invention Brokers and Consultants Whereas the major purpose of the venture capitalist is to lend money and obtain an equity holding in a company, invention brokers and consultants' principal role is to bring together a seller (inventor) and a buyer. However, they also may supply expertise on new product development and financial management, and some help fund the continued development and production of new products.

Most brokers/consultants work solely on a contingent fee basis; that is, they receive a percentage of the revenues generated by the invention. If the new product produces no sales, they earn nothing. Obviously, these organizations are very careful about what they will back and for how long.

Much as been written recently about the suspect business practices of some invention brokers. A word of caution should be mentioned: Some inventors have found themselves in difficulties when dealing with some brokers because the inventors signed contracts calling for them to supply upfront money. After the money is paid, very little financial or technical assistance is given, in some instances. Before signing any contract, it is strongly recommended that you consult with your attorney or banker.

If you have any questions as to the reputation of an invention broker, check with the Federal Trade Commission by writing: FTC, Bureau of Consumer Protection, 6th and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20580 or call (202) 5233844. Checking with your local Better Business Bureau or consumer groups might also be prudent.

Below is a listing of some of the major invention broker/consultant organizations. For a much more extensive listing see: Consulting Organizations Directory, 4th ed., Paul Wasserman and Janice McLean, editors, Gale Research Company, Book Tower, Detroit, MI 48226. Look under Field 82, New Ventures.

Batelle Development Corporation (BDC) 505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43210 (614) 4246424/7446 BDC also runs a commercial feasibility analysis.

Business Growth Services General Electric Company 120 Erie Blvd., Room 380 Schenectady, NY 12305 (518) 385-2577 General Electric's Business Growth Services department offers to innovative businesses new products and processes available for licensing or outright purchase. In Selected Business Ventures and New Business Digest, GE lists their own and the pro ducts and processes of all other leading companies, laboratories, and universities that are available. These listings provide detailed information on licensing/purchasing arrangements, market outlook, development status, and contacts. New Business Digest Annual provides the names, addresses, and phone numbers of many of the leading technology oriented businesses.

Arthur D. Little Enterprises Acorn Park Cambridge, MA 02140 (617) 8645770/2254 Arthur D. Little's Invention Management Group welcomes inventions from outside sources. It provides a full range of (free) services to the inventor from detailed technical evaluations, to commercial potential assessments, to making licensing arrangements. Arthur D. Little usually acquires the exclusive right to license an invention and negotiates all commercial agreements for the inventor. Request Invention Management and related publications if you want further information.

Control Data Corporation Technology and Information Services P.O. Box o HQV001 Minneapolis, MN 55440 (612) 853-3575/800328-1870 Toll Free

Technology and Information Services offers consulting, technology management and research services to assist business identify its opportunities. An integral part of these services is TECHNOTEC, a world wide, computer based, technology data base, accessible via telex, TRW, computer terminal, phone or

mail. A small firm can use the TECHNOTEC data base to search for needed technologies, available licenses, or joint ventures and can make their technologies and inventions available to other companies. There is a direct use fee for all computer time. Control Data's Technology and Information Services collects no fees or commissions from resultant business transactions.

Dr. Dvorkovitz & Associates P.O. Box 1748 Ormond Beach, Florida 32074

Dr. Dvorkovitz & Associates is an international licensing firm which specializes in providing information in the field of technology exchange. Services include: InstanTechEx, which provides access to a data bank of products and processes from all technical fields which are available for license, joint venture and/or acquisition. The listings come from worldwide sources in industry, government, universities and private inventors and may be stored in the data bank at no charge. The potential licensee (seeker of technology) pays all fees pertaining to retrieval of information. TechEx, a World Fair Technology Exchange, is an annual exhibition held at multiple sites whose purpose is the transfer of products, processes, know-how, etc. among participants Participation is by attendance or by exhibiting in a booth, buyer office or inventor booth.

Minnesota Cooperation Office 965 Southgate Office Plaza 5001 W. 80th St. Bloomington, MN 55437 (612) 8301230 The Minnesota Cooperation Office (MCO) is a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation. It is a private sector effort to create innovative, high growth companies. Directed primarily at the future economic strength of the State of Minnesota, MCO of fers its knowledge, experience and contacts to help solve the problems of technology oriented, new businesses. MCO assistance to entrepreneurs extends from an initial evaluation to the final draft of a business plan. MCO also makes available to clients, its knowledge of business financing and its contacts with major institutional sources of venture capital. Supporting organizations include: Arthur Anderson & Co., Control Data Corp., Cargill Foundation, Honeywell, Inc., Minnesota Dept. of Economic Development, Price Waterhouse & Co., R.C. Lilly Foundation and The Toro Company.

Product Resources International, Inc. 800 3rd Ave. New York, NY 100Z2 (212) 9808980

REFAC Technology Development Corporation 122 E. 42nd Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 687~741

Unirad Corporation 4765 Oakland Street Box 39002 Denver, CO 80239 (303) 3717400 Emphasis is on scientific instrument development.

University Patents, Inc. 2777 Summer Street Stanford, CT 08905 (203) 3252285

SBA Management Assistance Programs The Small Business Administration's Management Assistance Division has several programs useful at this stage of the invention process:

SCORE, the Service Corps of Retired Executives, is a free counseling service in which retired, volunteer executives help small firms solve their technical and management problems.

ACE, the Active Corps of Executives, augments SCORE by providing more specialized expertise.

SBI, the Small Business Institute program, calls on the skills of university faculty and graduate students to provide management counseling for small businesses.

SBDCs, Small Business Development Centers, are university based organizations whose purpose is to develop the economy of the region around the university by providing a wide range of management assistance to small businesses and individuals in the area. Some SBDCs offer the services of specialists in the area of innovation management. See also page 5.

For a full description of SBA's Management Assistance pro gram, contact the SBA field office nearest you. A list of field offices is provided in Appendix 5.

S8A Management Assistance Publications To order up to five copies of each title, write: SBA, P.O. Box 15434, Fort Worth, TX 76119. Ask for them by title and number. They are free.

MA 2.006  Finding Q New Product for Your Company MA 1.008  Attacking Business Decision Problems with Breakeven Analysis MA 2.013  Can You Make Money With Your Idea or Invention? MA 2.016  Checklist for Going Into Business MA 4.019  Learning About Your Market

SBB 9 SBB 13 SBB 18 SBB 89 SBB 90

Marketing Research Procedures National Directories for Use in Marketing Basic Library Reference Sources Marketing for Small Business New Product Development

SBA also publishes a pamphlet describing its field structure, its various programs, plus it gives a guide to small business organizations, Congressional Delegations, selected committees, and so forth. It is called Small Business Guide to Government, published by the Office of Advocacy, and can be gotten through the field offices or from 1441 L Street, NW, Washington, DC 20416.

NASA Technical Assistance Programs and Publications National Aeronautics and Space Administration programs pro duce a wealth of aerospace technology. The Office of Space and Terrestrial Applications coordinates a nationwide network of specialists who provide a link between aerospace technology and high technology businesses. For a nominal fee these NASA specialists offer scientific, technical, research, and management services. These services are provided through regional Industrial Applications Centers and State Technology Applications Centers. See Appendix 10 for a listing of these Centers.

NASA also has several publications of interest to inventors, R&D managers, and high technology firms. Tech Briefs is a quarterly survey of newly developed processes, advances in basic and applied research and laboratory techniques, and new sources of technical data and computer programs. Their Technical Support Package provides more detailed information on the subjects surveyed in the Briefs. Tech Briefs are free. NASA also published various handbooks and data compilations, for example, the Scientific and Technical Aerospace Reports. For subscriptions to or information on NASA publications, write: Director, Technology Transfer Division, NASA Scientific and Technical Information Facility, P.O. Box 8757, Baltimore/Washington International Airport, MD 21240.

In addition to publications, NASA provides computer pro grams covering a wide range of aerospace applications. These programs are available at a fraction of their original cost through: Computer Software Management and Information Center (COSMIC), 112 Barrow Hill, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602, phone: (404) 5423265. New programs are announced in Computer Program Abstracts, obtained through the Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington, DC 20402.

Nongovernmental Publications on Innovation Management Gee, Edwin A. and Chaplin Tyler. Managing Innovation. New York John Wiley and Sons, 1976.

Karger, Delmar W. and Robert G. Murdick. New Product Venture Management. New York Gordon and Beach Science Publishers, Inc., 1972.

Marvin, Philip. Product Planning Simplified. American Management Associations, New York, 1972.

Midgley, David F. Innovation and New Product Marketing. London: Croom Helm Publishers, 1977.

Scheuing, Eberhard E. New Product Management. Hinsdale, IL The Dryden Press, 1974.

Production and Sales Phase

The final component of the Commercialization Stage is the actual production and sale of a new or improved product. The emphasis in this part of our Guide is on Federal procurement and procurement assistance programs. Private organizations like invention brokers and venture capital companies and non profit organizations like the MIT Enterprise Forum can offer advice on production and sales, as well as act as liaison between the inventor and a potential manufacturer, (and they already have been discussed) but here we are concerned with how to sell to the U.S. Government.

Government Procurement Programs Before describing the various programs, here is a brief over view of the Federal procurement process. When the Government needs to purchase goods or services, it advertises for them. It can advertise through the Commerce Business Daily or trade papers, or it can invite bids from firms who are on a Bidders' List. A Bidders' List is a compilation, by an individual Agency, of the names, addresses, product orientations and related technical information of the companies who have the capability of supplying the goods or services the Agency needs.

How does a company get on a Bidders' List? First, find out what the procurement needs are of each Agency (every Agency has purchasing offices around the country and each Agency keeps its own Bidders' List) by asking for that information from the Agency's field office, a local SBA office, or the nearest GSA Business Service Center. Second, determine with which Agencies your company probably can do business. If you need more details than a field office can give about an Agency's exact procurement specifications and standards write to the Naval Publications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120. Ask by Agency name for its Procurement Specifications and Standards. Third, once you have determined to which Agencies (and what goods or ser vices) you want to sell, call their field office and ask for the forms you need to get on their Bidders' List. Once you are on the list, you will automatically receive bid invitations.

In addition to getting on a Bidders' List, you should read the basic document advertising new purchasing requirements of Federal Government the Commerce Business Daily. It lists procurement invitations, contracts awarded, subcontracting leads, and foreign business opportunities. The subscription rate is $80 annually. Order from the Superintendent of Documents, GPO Washington, DC 20402.

Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (SADBU) Con tacts

The various Federal Agencies are now establishing, at Agency headquarters, contact points for small businesses to call direct ly to obtain procurement and other financial assistance information. These are staffed with key personnel, knowledgeable about their own Agency's procurement needs. A listing of these SADBU contacts is given in Appendix 6.

Department of Energy Procurement Programs

The DOE's SADBU Office offers information on DOE's grant and procurement programs related to energy technology research and development. For further information about guidelines and programs, write: Director, Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Office, Mail Stop 1Io09, Forrestal Building, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20585, phone (202) 2528201.

National Science Foundation Procurement Programs

NSF, Office of Small Business Research and Development publishes Small Business Guide to Federal R~D, previously mentioned. The Guide is intended to help small, high technology firms enter the market of Federally supported research and development. It is indispensable for firms not vet

into the Federal R&D field. All Federal Agency R&D grant and procurement programs are covered in detail. Also detailed are the steps needed to prepare a formal proposal for funding of R&D activities. While both grant and procurement programs are covered, the emphasis is on procurement.

Small Business Administration Procurement Programs

There are billions of dollars in Federal procurement contracts that annually bypass small businesses because their owners lack an understanding of how the Government buys goods and services.

The SBA has several programs that can help. They include:

1) Contracting Assistances field offices (see Appendix 5) have Procurement Specialists who work closely with the pur chasing personnel of the various Agencies and counsel small business owners on how to prepare bids, get their names on Bidders' Lists, etc.;

2) Small Business Set Asides These are contracts restricted for bidding by only small businesses;

3) Subcontracting Assistance SBA's field offices work closely with prime contractors to assure small business a fair share of subcontracting opportunities;

4) Certificates of Competency. lf there are questions about whether a small business can fulfill the contracting requirements of a bid it has won, SBA will investigate and make a binding determination through the COC program;

5) Technology Assistance. ln this program SBA encourages small businesses to participate in Federal R&D contracting by counseling them and listing them in the SBA's R&D directory; and

6) PASS This is the Procurement Automated Source System, a field office based, computerized system listing the capabilities of small companies so Federal procurement officers and prime contractors can select companies to receive bidding invitations. Turn to Appendix 7 for a listing of SBA field offices specifically designated to deal with PASS information re quests. To order a PASS Application Form call toll free 1 800 4337212.

SBA has several publications with a procurement orientation. Ask your local SBA field office for copies (if free) and order the for sale ones from the Superintendent of Documents, GPO, Washington. DC 20402.



Your 8usiness and the SBA Selling to the U.S. Government (CPO) Contractor Paths to Grie~ Some Solutions SBA's Procurement and Technical Assistance Pro grams What is a Certificate of Competency? U.S. Government Purchasing and Sales Directory

(GPO) SBA Subcontracting Directory (GPO)

State Economic Development and Small Business Programs Nearly all States have offices of economic or industrial


development. Some States have extensive procurement, grant, and/or management assistance programs and will supply a packet of information about the services they provide to pro mote innovation, research and development, and small business opportunities. A few States are even developing science and technology offices specifically aimed at helping small, high technology firms. For an overview of state ser vices, see: Book of the States, Council of State governments, P.O. Box 11910, Iron Works Pike, Lexington, KY 40578.

SBA's Office of the Chief Counsel for Advocacy publishes a Directory of State Small Business Programs. Listed are the State small business assistance programs with names, addresses, phone numbers, and descriptions of the programs. See Appendix 8 for a Survey Chart of these programs. Your local SBA field office uses this book for a reference and can put you in contact with the State program personnel in your area.

Procurement, R&D and Technology Conferences Several conferences are held annually throughout the country to help inventors and small, high technology firms learn about the Government procurement contracting grant system, trends in technology, and how to evaluate and manage an invention. Contact to the following organizations for further information on their conference schedules. Some of these conferences are excellent sources of information and can provide personal con tacts with other inventors and small business managers.

National Innovation Workshops 4035 Lincoln Blvd. Marina Del Ray Los Angeles, CA 90291 (213) 8220350

Lakeshore Group Ltd. 207 East Buffalo Street Milwaukee, WI 53202 (414) 2725420

American Association of Small Research Companies 8794 West Chester Pike Upper Darby, PA 19082 (215) 4492333 or 5286093

Inventors' Exposition inventors Workshop International Box 251 Tarzana, CA 94705

National Inventors' Week Exposition Patent and Trademark Office Washington, D. C. 20231

(703) 5573158

California Inventors' Council Box 2096 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 7324314

New Products Technology Development Conference P. O. Box 12793 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

(919) 5498193

Publications of Interest

In addition to the publications already listed in the various sections of this pamphlet, there are some other journals and books of use to the inventor and innovative small business. They include:

Professional Journals

American Bulletin of International Technology Transfer International Advancement, Inc. Box 75537 Los Angeles, CA 90075

American Inventor 10310 Menhart Lane Cupertino, CA 95014

In Business The JG Press Box 323 18 South Seventh Street Emmaus, PA 18049 (215) 9674135

Inc. 38 Commercial Wharf Boston, MA 02110 (617) 2274700

Industrial Research ~ Development Magazine Technical Publishing 1301 South Groove Street Barrington, IL 60010 (312) 3811840

International New Products Newsletter Transcommunications International, Inc. Box 191 Back Bay Annex Boston, MA 02117

New Product Monthly Reports Berliner Research Center, Inc. Berliner Research Bldg. Danbury CN 06810 (203) 74~2333 Telex 969658

New Products and Processes Newsweek International P.O. Box 424 Livingston, NJ 07039

New Products Bulletin Tiffany Products, Inc. 239 Main Street West Orange, NJ 07052 (201)7319111

New Products News 8576 Mesa Drive Sandy, UT 84070 (801) 5613259

Product Design and Development Chilton Company Chilton way Radnor, PA 19089

Product Engineering MorganGrampian Publications 2 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 (212) 5738133

Technical Information Periodicals Service, Selected Business Ventures, New Business Digest Annual General Electric Company Business Growth Services 120 Erie Blvd., Room 380 Schenectady, NY 12305 (518) 3852577

The Review of Scientific Instruments American Institute of Physics 335 45th Street New York, NY 10017 (212) 6619404

Technology Mart Thomas Publishing Company One Penn Plaza 250 West 34th Street New York, NY 10001

Test Engineering ~ Management The Mattingley Publishing Company 61 Monmouth Road Oakhurst, NJ 07755

Venture Capital Capital Publishing Company Box 348 Wellesley Hill, MA 02181 (617) 2355405

Venture Magazine 35 West 45th Street New York, NY 10036 (212) 84~5580

Books of Inter~t

For a complete listing of books on invention and invention management see Books in Print, found in the reference section of libraries.

Baumback, Clifford M. Entrepreneurship and Venture Manage ment. Englewood, NJ: PrenticeHall, 1977.

Baty, Gordon B. Entrepreneurship: Playing to Win. Reston, VA: Reston Publishing Company, 1974.

Bylinsky, Gene. The Innovation Millionares: How They Succeed. New York: Charles Scribner s Sons.

Cunningham, Donald E, John R. Craig, and Theodore W. Schlie. Technological Innovation: The Experimental R~D Incen tives Program. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1977

Greene, Orville and Frank Durr. The Practical Inventor's Hand book. New York McGrawHill, 1979.

Hallock, Robert. Inventing for Fun and Profit. New York: Dover Publishers, lnc., 1978.

Hartman, Susan N. and Norman C. Parrish. Inventors' Source Book: ~ow to Turn Ideas Into Inventions. Inventors Resource Center, P.O. Box 158, Rheem Valley, CA 94570.

Jewkes, J. et al. The Sources of Invention. St. Martin's Press, 1958.

Kivenson, Gilbert. The Art and Science of Inventing. New York. Van Nostrand Reinhold, Inc., 1977.

Kracke, Donald. How to Turn Your Idea Into a Million Dollars. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

Li, Yao Tzu. Technical Innovation in Education and Industry. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1978.

Reffman, William E. How to Sell Your Own Invention. Halls of Ivy Press, 1977.

Shcwenck, James and Eric P. McNair. How to Become a Successful Inventor: Design a Gadget in Your Spare Time and Strike it Rich! New York Hastings House Publishers, 1974.


Appendix 1. Patent Depositories

Public Libraries

Albany, New York Birmingham, Alabama Boston, Massachusetts Buffalo, New York Chicago, Illinois Cincinnati, Ohio Cleveland, Ohio DaUas, Texas Denver, Colorado

Detroit, Michigan Los Angeles, California Milwaukee, Wisconsin Newark New Jersey New York, New York Providence, Rhode Island St. Louis, Missouri Toledo, Ohio

Other Libraries

Price Gilbert Library Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia

Ohio State University Library Columbus, Ohio

The Fondren Library Rice University Houston, Texas

Linda Hall Library Kansas City, Missouri

Love Library University of Nebraska Lincoln Lincoln, Nebraska

Wendt Engineering Library University of Wisconsin Madison, Wisconsin

Franklin Institute Library Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Carnegie Library Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

D. H. Hill Library Raleigh, North Carolina

Engineering Library University of Washington Seattle, Washington

Oklahoma, State University Stillwater, Oklahoma

Sunnyvale Patent Library Sunnyvale, California

Appendix 2. Grant Application Procedures

This Appendix is designed to brief those seeking Federal grants. The first step in the grant application process is to determine what grants and other funding are available from the various Agencies. The sources of information available to help make the determination already have been reviewed. To reiterate, those basic sources include Federal Agency contact personnel, Agency publications on grant guidelines, Agency field offices, the Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance, the State Central Information Reception Agency (an information office in each State government), and the Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System (another State based information office).

Once the Agency and type of grant have been determined, ask for the Application Kit for the specific grant program. This Kit will provide the details and forms needed to make a grant application.

A Proposal Paper is a basic requirement in any grant application, so it's important to do it well. The Proposal Paper should include: a brief biographical sketch of the individual or key staff members of the organization seeking the grants, a brief history of individual or organizational accomplishments, and the statement of the problem. When stating the problem, the author should explain what is going to be accomplished with the grant, who will benefit, what the exact nature of the problem is, how you will approach and solve the problem, and what will happen to the project when funding is over.

Remember, before developing a Proposal Paper, have the Grant Application Kit in hand and have a contact point in the Agency offering the grant. Your Agency contact is important and will answer your day to day questions, as well as review your Proposal Paper. Remember too that your Proposal Paper must provide the details of what the objectives are, and what, how and when resources are to be allocated to achieve the objectives.

For further information on grant writing, check the Federal Register, the official Executive Branch document detailing grant project requirements, found in many libraries and government offices throughout the country.

Appendix 3. DOE Regional Office

Region I Department of Energy Analex Building 150 Causeway Street Boston, Massachusetts 02114

Region II Department of Energy 26 Federal Plaza New York, New York 10007

Region III Department of Energy 1421 Cherry Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102

Region IV Department of Energy 1655 Peachtree Street Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Region V Department of Energy 175 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, IUinois 60604 Region VI Department of Energy P.O. Box 35228 2626 West Mockingbird Lane DaUas, Texas 75235 Region VII Department of Energy 324 East 11th Street Kansas City, Missouri 64152

Region VIII Department of Energy P.O. Box 26247 Belmar Branch 1075 South Yukon Street Lakewood, Colorado 80226

Region LX Department of Energy 333 Market Street San Francisco, California 94111

Region X Department of Energy 1992 Federal Building 915 Second Avenue Seattle, Washington 98174

Appendix 4. The Federd A~istance Pr~ rams Retrieval Sydem (Enh~nced Verdon)

The Federal Assistance Programs Retrieval System (FAPRS) is a computerized question answer system which is designed to provide rapid access to Federal grant program information. Program information provided by FAPRS is determined from input supplied by the requestor. Input required includes the name of the State, county, city, town, or federally designated Indian Tribe for which program information is requested; the population of the city or town; the type of applicant (e.g., State or local organization, small business, individual), the type of assistance under which programs are administered (e.g. grants, loans~; and the specific functional categories and sub categories of interest. Based upon the input supplied by the requestor, the output provided by FAPRS consists of: 1) a list of 18

program numbers and titles, 2) the full text of selected pro grams, or 3) specific sections of the program text.

The following are principal features of the enhanced version FAPRS system:


Expansion of functional categories and sub categories.

Expansion of the applicant eligibility specification to include 12 government related and 10 non government related applicant types.

Specification of the type(s) of assistance desired as one of the search criteria. At present, the Catalog lists up to 15 types of assistance provided by Federal programs.

Display of definitions for functional subcategories, applicant types, and types of assistance.

Selection of specific sections of Catalog text to be displayed.

Formatted display of Federal circular requirements for a selected list of programs.

States have designated access points where FAPRS searches may be requested. In addition, bulletins on FAPRS are available. For further information on FAPRS, the location of the nearest State access point, or a list of the timesharing companies from which interested persons may arrange for direct access to the system, write to the Office of Management and Budget, Budget Review Division, Federal Program Information Branch, Washington, DC 20503.

Appendix 5. SBA Field Offices: Addresses and Commercial Telephone r~umbers

City Boston Augusta Concord Hartford Montpelier Providence

New York Melville Hato Rey

Newark Syracuse Buffalo Elmira

Bala Cynwyd Harrisburg WilkesBarre Wilmington Towson Clarksburg Charleston Pittsburgh Richmond Washington

Atlanta Birmingham Charlotte Columbia Jackson Biloxi Jacksonville Louisville Coral Gables Nashville Knoxville Memphis

Chicago Cleveland Columbus Cincinnati Detroit Marquette Indianapolis South Bend Madison Milwaukee Minneapolis Springfield

Dallas Albuquerque Houston Little Rock Lubbock El Paso Harlingen

Stste Zip Code Mass. 02114 Maine 04330 N. H. 03301 Conn. 06103 Vt. 05602 R. I. 02903

N. Y. 10278 N. Y. 11747 Puerto Rico & 00919 V.l. N. J. 07102 N. Y. 13260 N. Y. 14202 N. Y. 14901

Pa. 19004 Pa. 17101 Pa. 18702 Del. 19801 Md. 21204 W. Va. 26301 W. Va. 25301 Pa. 15222 Va. 23240 D. C. 20417

Ga. 30309 Ala. 35205 N. C. 28202 S. C. 29202 Miss. 39269 Miss. 39530 Fla. 32202 Ky. 40201 Fla. 33134 Tenn. 37219 Tenn. 37902 Tenn. 38103

111 60604 Ohio 44199 Ohio 43215 Ohio 45202 Mich. 48226 Mich. 49855 Ind. 46204 Ind. 46601 Wisc. 53703 Wisc. 53202 Minn. 55403 111. 62701

Tex. 75242 N. M. 87110 Tex. 77054 Ark. 72201 Tex. 79401 Tex. 79902 Tex. 78550

Address 150 Causeway St., loth Floor 40 Western Avenue, Room 512 55 Pleasant Street, Room 211 One Financial Plaza 87 State Street, Room 204, P.O. Box 605 40 Fountain Street

26 Federal Plaza, Room 3100 35 Pinelawn Road, Room 102E Carlos Chardon Ave, Fed. Bldg. Rm. 691

970 Broad St., Room 1635 100 South Clinton Street, Room 1073 111 West Huron St., Room 1311 180 Clemens Center Parkway, Room 412

231 St. Asaphs Rd., Suite 400 East Lobby 100 Chestnut Street, Suite 309 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue 844 King Street, Room 5207 8600 LaSalle Road, Room 630 109 North 3rd St., Room 302 Charleston National Plaza, Suite 628 960 Penn Ave.,5th Floor 400 North 8th St., Room 3015, P.O. Box _ 1111 18th St.. N.W..6th Floor

1720 Peachtree Road, N.W., 6th Floor 908 South 20th St., Room 202 230 S. Tryon Street, Suite 700 1835 Assembly, 3rd Floor P.O. Box 2786 100 West Capitol Street, Suite 322 111 Fred Haise Blvd., 2nd Floor 400 West Bay St., Room 261, Box 35067 600 Federal Pl., Room 188, P.O. Box 3517 2222 Ponce De Leon Boulevard, 5th Floor 404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 1012 502 South Gay St., Room 307 167 North Main St., Room 211

219 South Dearborn St., Room 437 1240 East sth St., Room 317 85 Marconi Boulevard 550 Main St., Room 5028 477 Michigan Ave. 220 West Washington St., Room 310 575 North Pennsylvania St., Room 578 501 E Monroe St., Suite 120 212 East Washington Ave., Room 213 517 East Wisconsin Ave., Room 246 100 North 6th St. Four North, Old State Capital Plaza

1100 Commerce St., Room 3C36 5000 Marble Avenue, N.E., Room 320 2525 Marworth, Room 43 320 West Capitol Ave., P.O. Box 1401 1205 Texas Avenue, Room 712 4100 Rio Bravo. Suite 300 222 East Van Buren Street, P.O. Box 2567

Phone Number (617) 2233224 (207) 6228378 (603) 2244041 (203) 2443600 (802) 2290538 (401) 5284580 (212) 2644355 (516) 4540750 (809) 7534572

(201) 6452434 (315) 423s383 (716) 8464301 (607) 7334686 (215) 5965889 (717) 7823840 (717) 8266497 (302) 5734294 (301) 9624392 (304) 6235631 (304) 3436181 (412) 6442780 (804) 7712617 (202) 6344950 (404~ 8814749 (205) 2541344 (704) 3716563 (803) 7655376 (601) 9604378 (601) 4353676 (904) 7913782 (502) 5825971 (305) 3505521 (615) 2515881 (615) 6379300 (901) 5213588 (312) 3534528 (216) 5524170 (614) 4696860 (513) 6842814 (313) 2267241 (906) 2251108 (317) 2697272 (219) 2328163 (608) 2645261 (414) 2913941 (612) 3493550 (217)4924416

(214) 7670605 (505) 7663430 (713) 6604401 (501) 3785871 (806) 7627466 (915) 5437586 (512) 423~934 19

City Corpus Christi New Orleans Oklahoma City San Antonio

Kansas City Springfield Sikeston Cedar Rapids Des Moines Omaha St. Louis Wichita

Denver Casper Fargo Helena Salt Lake City Sioux Falls Rapid City

San Francisco Fresno Las Vegas Honolulu Agana Los Angeles Santa Ana Phoenix San Diego

Seattle Anchorage Fairbanks Boise Portland Spokane

State Zip Code Tex. 78408 La. 70113 Okla. 73102 Tex. 78206

Mo. 64106 Mo. 65806 Mo. 63801 Iowa 52402 Iowa 50309 Neb. 68102 Mo. 63101 Kans. 67202

Colo. 80202 Wyo. 82602 N. D. 58108 Mont. 59601 Utah 84138 S. D. 57102 S. D. 57701

Caliœ . 94105 Calif. 93712 Nev. 89101 Hawaii 96850 Guam 96910 Calif. 90071 Calif. 92701 Ariz. 85012 Caliœ 92188

Wash. . 98174 Alaska 99513 Alaska 99701 Idaho 83701 Oreg. 97204 Wash. 99210

Appendix 6. Small and Di~dvantaged Bu~ine~ Utilization Of ~ces

Dep rtment


U S. Air Force

U.S. Army






Address 3105 Leopard Street, P.O. Box 9253 1001 Howard Avenue, 17th Floor 200 N.W. 5th Street, Suite 670 727 East Durango Street, Room A513

1150 Grande Ave., 5th Floor 309 N. Jefferson 731A N Main Street 373 Collins Road NE 210 Walnut St., Room 749 19th & Farnum St., 2nd Floor One Mercantile Tower Suite 2500 110 East Waterman Street

721 l9th Street 100 East B Street, Room 4001, P.O. Box 2839 657 2nd Ave., North, Room 218, P.O. Box 301 S. Park Avenue, Room 528, Drawer 10054 125 South State St., Room 2237 101 South Main Ave., Suite 101 515 gth St., Room 246

211 Main Street, 4th Floor 2202 Monterey St 301 E Stewart, PO Box 7525, Downtown Station; 300 Ala Mona, Room 2213, P.O. Box 50207 Pacific Daily News Bldg., Room 508 350 S. Figueroa St., 6th Floor 2700 North Main Street 3030 North Central Avenue, Suite 1201 880 Front Street, Room 4S29

915 Second Ave., Room 1744 701 C Street 101 12th Ave. 1005 Main St., 2nd Floor 1220 S.W. Third Avenue, Room 676 West 920 Riverside Avenue, Room 651 P.O. Box 2167

Phone Cont~ct~ Area codes are 202 4477117  EPA

23~1822 GSA







.. _ . Phone Number (512) 8883331 (504) 5896685 (405) 2314301 (512) 2296250 (816) 3743416 (417) 8647670 (314) 4710223 (319) 3992571 (515) 2844422 (402) 2214691 (314) 4256600 (316) 2676571 (303) 8372607 (307) 2615761 (701) 2375771 (406) 4495381 (314) 4255800 (605) 3362980 (605) 3435074 (4151 9740642 (209l 4875189 (702) 3856611 (808~ 5468950 (671) 4778420 (213) 6882956 (714) 5475089 (602) 2412200 (714) 2935440 (206) 4425534 (907) 2714022 (907) 4560211 (208) 33~1696 (503) 2945221 (509) 4565310

. . . Department Phone Contacts Area Codes are 202

~ealth and Human Services

7550393 5661021 2457300 7551428 6335136 5239148

~r ~ RQ

~UD ce Labor

INASA ~ J~ U.S. Navy . 5g~

Department Phone Contact~ Area Codes are 202 State 2359524

Tennessee Valley Authority



Veterans Administration

Appendix 7. U.S. Small Buxiness Administration PASS Telephone Numbers and Mailing Addresses Area Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont

New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands

Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, Washington DC, Virginia, West Virginia

North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Tennessee

Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota

Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico

Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa

Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota

Southern California (Zip Codes 90000 93599J, Arizona

Northern California (Zip Codes 9360095999), Hawaii Nevada, Guam

Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Alaska

(615) 7512827




Telephone No. (617) 2233162

(212) 5965270

(215) 5965988

(404) 8814588

(312) 3530438

(214) 7677639

(816) 3743516

(303) 8373686

(213) 6882946

(415) 5561650

(206) 4420390 Address 60 Batterymarch 10th Floor Boston, MA 02110

26 Federal Plaza New York, NY 10007

Suite 646 W Lobby One Bala Cynwyd Plaza Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

1375 Peachtree St NE 5th Floor Atlanta, GA 30309

219 S Dearborn St Rm 838 Chicago, IL 60604

1720 Regal Row Dallas, TX 75235

911 Walnut  23rd Floor Kansas City, MO 64106

Executive Tower Bldg 140S Curtis St 22nd Fl Denver, CO 80202

350 S Figueroa St 6th Fl Los Angeles, CA 90071

450 Golden Gate Avenue San Francisco, CA 94102

710 Second Avenue 8eat.1e, WA 98104

Appendix 8. State Small Business Programs: Survey Chart of the Fifty States


Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida X Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois X Indiana lowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota ohiO Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virgima Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Small Business Assistance Office


Procurement Program



X X'

X2 X X X X


X~' X X'

XX ' on informal basis 2 pending program

3 existing business liaison

Other Significant Programs

Appendi~c 9. SBA Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) University and Address

Region I

Region II

Region III

Region IV

Region V

Region VI

University of Southern Maine Small Business Development Center 246 Deering Avenue Portland, Maine 04102

University of Massachusetts Small Business Development Center School of Business Administration Amherst, Massachusetts 01003

Rutgers University Small Business Development Center 65 Central Avenue Newark, New Jersey 07102

Howard University Small Business Development Center P.O. 80x 748 Washington, D.C. 20059

University of Pensylvania Small Business Development Center The Wharton School W178 Dietrich Hall Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104

University of Alabama in Birmingham Small Business Development Center University Station Birmingham, Alabama 35294 University of West Florida Small Business Development Center School of Business Administration Pensacola, Florida 32504

University of Georgia Small Business Development Center Athens, Georgia 30602

University of South Carolina Small Business Development Center Basic Service Center College of Business Administration Columbia, South Carolina 29208

University of Wisconsin Small Business Development Center One South Park Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706

St. Cloud State University Small Business Development Center College of Business St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301

University of Arkansas / I.R.E.C. Small Business Development Center 1015 West Second Street  P.O. Box 3017 Little Rock, Arkansas 72204

(413) 5494930 Ext. 304

(201) 6485627

(202) 6367187

(215) 2434861

(205) 9347260

(904) 4769500 Ext. 425

(404) 5425760

(803) 7775118 (608) 2637794 (612) 2553215 (501) 3705381

University and Address

University of Nebraska at Omaha Small Business Development Center Omaha, Nebraska 68182

Region VII


Region IX

Region X

None established.

University of Utah Small Business Development Center Graduate School of Business Salt Lake City, Utah 84112

None established.

Washington State University Small Business Development Center 245 Todd Hall Pullman, Washington 99164

Appendix 10. NASA Industrial Applications and State Technology Applications Centers

Industrial Applications Centers

Aerospace Research Applications Center 1201 east 38th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46205 Phone: (317) 2644644

Kerr Industrial Applications Center Southeastern Oklahoma State University Durant, Oklahoma 74701 Phone: (405) 9240121, Ext. 413

NASA Industrial Applications Center 701 LIS Building University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 Phone: (412) 6245211

NASA Industrial Applications Center University of Southern California Denny Research Building University Park Los Angeles, California 90007 Phone: (213) 7416132

New England Research Applications Center Mansfield Professional Park Stom, Connecticut 06268 Phone: (203) 4864533

Telephone (402) 5542521 (801) 5817905 (809) 3351576

North Carolina Science and Technology Research Center Post Office Box 12235 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 Phone (919) 5490671

Technology Applications Center (TAC) University of New Mexico 2500 Central Avenue, S.E. Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131 Phone: (505) 2773622

State Technology Applications Center~

NASA / Florida State Technology Applications Center State University System of Florida 500 Weil Hall Gainesville, Florida 32611 Phone: (904) 3926626

NASA / UK Technology Applications Program University of Kentucky 109 Kinkead Hall Lexington, Kentucky 40506 Phone: (606) 2584632