How To Start & Operate Your Own Video Taping Service

Video taping services are not only tremendously profitable, but timely, as more and more demand grows within this exploding industry every day.

Video tape is rapidly growing in popularity among consumers because as more and more people add video cassette players to their home entertainment systems, the demand for expertly produced videos of important events in a family's life is skyrocketing. Weddings, baby showers, birthday parties, club meetings, school sports events and numerous other gatherings provide the perfect opportunity for you to enjoy a fantastically profitable business while enjoying the company of new friends.

Now is the ideal time to get started with your own video taping service. The purchase, operation and maintenance of all the necessary equipment is quite easy. Advanced features built into the equipment, combined with simple operating procedures make video camera operation a snap. You can read through a video instruction manual, spend several hours experimenting with various lighting conditions and techniques, and develop the ability to produce a high quality video tape of almost any event.

One- and two-person video taping services around the country are reporting substantial gross earnings. One large operation we looked into reported an income figure of $800,000 during the preceding 12-month period. They were accepting taping jobs from all quarters and keeping four full-time teams busy. In the beginning, however, success with this kind of business does not require an office set up or any special education or training. You can start it on a part-time basis from your home and parlay it into a full-time, profitable profession. The prestige this business will afford you is similar to that of a real estate broker. You can begin working alone or with a partner. You'll need a minimum amount of equipment, but you must spend time developing sales leads and personally contact prospective customers. Therefore, if you plan to begin as a part-time operation and grow into a full-time business, it would be advisable to have at least one other person on the team with you.

The successful operation of a video taping service is found through marketing imagination, organization, and attention to detail. Ideas and requests for new events to tape and preserve for later playback and viewing develop faster than one can list. There are, however, so many things to remember and minor details to take care of that the only way to operate successfully is with a series of checklists. This applies to both the person selling the service as well as the man or woman behind the recording camera.

Don't let the numerous details scare you off. On the contrary, you'll find video equipment easy and inexpensive to work with, especially when compared to obtaining a comparable degree of expertise with film. You can use the same tape over and over again. This is definitely business where the phrase "practice makes perfect" applies.

To begin your video taping service, you'll need a portable video recorder, commonly termed a "camcorder" (camera-recorder). If you don't already own your own equipment, now is the time to buy. Prices have never been lower nor the selection greater. Standard size camcorders can be purchased for well under $1,000, often for half that price. Because technology changes so rapidly, you can pick up a high-quality camcorder from last year's stock, or perhaps slightly used, for under $500. And these are still top-of-the-line cameras. Smaller, palm-size cameras are now available, as well as adapters to make smaller tapes compatible with most home VCRs.

Features and options for your camera will abound, but you'll want to make sure your camera has some of the more important ones, such as input jacks to add external microphones. This will aid in taping extended vocal recordings, such as speeches, weddings, concerts, etc. Your dealer can help you choose an inexpensive external microphone to augment the one that is already built into the camera. Other important features include auto-character generation (for adding titles and captions) and the ability to dub vocals onto a tape without harming the original picture quality. Read through some current video magazines available on the newsstand to get a general idea of the features you would like. Make a list of those that will be a necessity and those that are "wishes." Then visit as many stores as possible in your area that carry video cameras. Get a feel for prices and available options. Then make your selection. Note that some stores may allow you to lease a camcorder, thus reducing your initial cash outlay requirements.

An important part of your service is the blank video tapes that you will purchase. While standard VHS tapes can be purchased quite inexpensively, you will want to make a habit of using a high quality tape for the best results. Check out the latest copy of "CONSUMER REPORTS BUYING GUIDE" at your local library. Determine what their best recommendation is concerning video tapes. Talk with the video salesman at your local stores. You'll soon come to know what brands are better and which to avoid. Find out if you can purchase tapes wholesale by calling the home office of the manufacturer. Check around in your area. Doing the necessary study in advance will save you time and money in the future. These elementary learning steps are necessary as the foundation of your business.

Once you have your video recorder, take it home and start practicing with it. Think of yourself as being on a job for a homeowner or an insurance company taking a photographic inventory of the house and/or the occupant's possessions. Practice by making a tape recording of your own household furnishings. Make a tape, then play it back and critique your work. Then repeat the process again and again until you have a tape you can use in sales presentations to homeowners and insurance companies. Video tape recordings of this kind are becoming extremely popular for use in insurance claims across the country.

The possibilities for selling your services to those who would like a video record of some special event are endless. Look through your weekend newspaper and make a list of the girls announcing wedding dates. Find their names and telephone numbers in your telephone directory and call them on the phone. Ask them if they would mind if you came to their wedding and made a video tape of it, without any obligation to them, of course. Arrange to be at the wedding location an hour beforehand to get your equipment situated. The secret is to get as much of the wedding from a good angle as possible without being obtrusive. Setting up slightly behind the officiating minister and off to one side will allow you to focus on the faces of the wedding party and guests without having to make large movements. The zoom feature of your camera will allow you to be far enough out of the way so as not to obstruct the view of any guests. With your camera set up on a tripod, shoot the wedding ceremony. Afterward, go to the reception and take candid shots of the events--dancing, singing, cutting the cake, the departure of the couple, etc. Use your imagination. Get as many of the events as possible but without interfering in any way. After the event, take the tape home and review it. Keep practicing at weddings until you have a tape you're reasonably proud of, and then call the bride. Ask to come over and let her see the tape. Explain to her that you're just getting started in the business and you simply want her comments and suggestions. Chances are that when she sees the tape she'll want to buy it.

While you're in the learning phase of your new business, visit an apartment building and arrange with the manager to make a video tape of her showing the apartment to you as a potential renter. Contact a couple of property management and real estate firms and do the same thing with condominiums and houses for sale. You might want to listen in on the police radio frequency and make tapes of auto accidents for law firms, particularly those involving injuries. Consider taping golfers practicing at the local driving ranges and letting them review the tape on site to improve their swing. Other ideas include any kind of sports practice sessions, birthday parties, special anniversaries, baptisms, bar mitsvahs, publicity stories, sales presentations, and "fireside chats" by company presidents or general manager. These are just a few idea suggestions you might want to pursue. You may find a certain kind of video taping assignment especially enjoyable and want to specialize in that area. Or, you may want to leave the door open for any kind of assignment and handle each as the opportunity presents itself. Whatever you decide, there are a few "sure success" points to keep in mind as you begin to sell your services.

Virtually everyone likes to see himself as a star in a home video. Thus, when you show a client of a video tape of himself in the starring role, he'll either buy the tape on the spot or contract with you to make a similar tape of another event. Modesty aside, everyone likes to show pictures of himself and explain to his friends the different highlights of his or her life. Thus, when you make a sales presentation featuring your client, your sales rate should be close to 100 percent.

The best way to sell your services is to run a regular ad in your area newspapers. Consider something along these lines:

Smart Video Taping Service

Whatever your idea or assignment, we can handle it for you! No job too large or too small! We're experts at taping weddings, anniversaries, birthday parties, and other special occasions. Commercial assignments welcomed. Your satisfaction is guaranteed, so give us a call-- 123-4567, right now!

When you receive calls in response to your ad, your objective should be two-fold. First, find out what kind of taping job the customer has in mind. Second, set up an appointment to show them an example of the kinds of tapes you can produce. Present the prospect with an example of your work.

Never meet with a prospect in a selling situation without some sort of demonstration tape for him to preview. Try to match the tape you show them as closely to their wants and needs as possible. Don't show wedding tapes you have made to golfing prospects or demonstrate a tape of home insurance inventory for prospective wedding clients. Once you've met with the prospect and shown the proper demonstration tape, you should have the sale in your pocket.

Besides an ad in the newspaper and yellow pages of your telephone directory, make copies of your ad and get it up on the bulletin boards in your area. Send news and publicity releases to all the media in your region, especially when you have an unusual or special assignment that would be of interest to the general public, such as the testing of a new invention by a major corporation or a birthday party for a centenarian. Have some impressive business cards printed and hand them out to as many people as possible, as often as you can. The slogan on your business card might read: "You Name It, We'll Tape It."

Radio and television ads are much more expensive than the resulting jobs will sustain, so be very cautious when considering this type of advertising. However, it will very definitely be advantageous for you to pursue guest interviews on any kind of talk show. Talk show appearances and free write-ups about your business in your local newspapers are promotional angles to grab at every opportunity. Always be on the lookout for promotional ideas and gimmicks that will result in area-wide publicity for your services.

The bottom line is simple: Don't be adverse to creating a story or set of circumstances if it results in a talk show appearance or newspaper write-up for you.

How much should you charge for your services? Basically, the going rate in most large metropolitan areas is about $75 per hour you spend on the assignment. Thus, you're going to have to learn to estimate pretty accurately exactly how long you'll need to spend on each job to produce a quality recording. Some jobs, like weddings, might go for a standard fee of $150 to $300, depending on the competition in your area. It's always a good idea to check out what other video taping services in your city or comparably sized cities are charging. Newsletters and trade publications serving the video industry often feature articles on typical rates that free-lancers charge. Check with your equipment supplier for the names or sample copies of any newsletters about which he might know.

You can form a relationship with a client that can last a lifetime.

Beginning with a young couples' wedding, if you follow up on each sale properly, you'll probably end up making tapes for birthdays of their children, youth sporting events, school pageants and graduations, anniversaries, family histories and scores of other events.

To make yourself a success, you will need imagination, an affinity for people and a flair for salesmanship. Imagination is important, because in many instances, you'll have to suggest an idea for taping services. Although just about everybody would like to have a taped record of some event or part of their life to pass along to future family members, most will not be able to decide what to tape until you suggest something to them. You'll also find that almost no one is aware of even half your capabilities until you make suggestions.

Taking pictures of people requires an ability to get along well with them--to get them to relax and immediately feel comfortable in your presence. You've got to be persuasive while exercising a great deal of tact and diplomacy. Learn to make friends easily and quickly. Be aware and understanding of wants, desires and ambitions. Do your best to instill a feeling of confidence in the prospect--confidence that you are the best choice he could have made, and confidence that what they are doing is important and doesn't look silly or staged.

Selling and getting along with people are almost synonymous. Life is an ongoing program of selling yourself to achieve your own wants and ambitions. Read a few good books on the art of selling, such as "How to Sell Yourself," by Steve Girard or "How to Sell Anything to Anybody" by Tom Hopkins. Remember, selling is really just a matter of recognizing someone's needs and then satisfying those needs with a product or service. Your customers will automatically accept as fact that you have the professional knowledge and equipment to fulfill their needs. All you have to do is reassure them, listen to their opinions on how best to meet their needs, and, in closing the sale, become a good friend to them.

With the simple plan outlined above, you can get started with your own video taping service. By combining our suggestions with a bit of energy and persistence, you should be able to begin with very little start-up investment and quickly begin to reap the fruits of your own profitable labor. Having laid it all out, the rest is up to you. Your future is in your own hands. Grab on to your future today!