Have 5,000 People Market Your Product In 30 Days

An excellent source for distributing your merchandise is by "independent salesman".

There are individuals who sell on their own and are always on the look out for good items to carry along with their regular merchandises.

The best way to contact them is through magazines such as;

Making Profits 6255 Barfield RD. Atlanta, GA 30328


Money Making Opportunities 11071 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604

Insert a good ad in the Classified Section of one of these publications, for example; "brand new opportunity! Independent salesman wanted nationwide. For information, contact (your name and address). You will find yourself receiving thousand of replies and you can be sure these independent salesman will do a terrific job of selling for you, as they make money on commissions only.

Another way is to contact "Wagon Jobbers" A wagon jobbers is someone who takes any number of products from different jobbers or manufactures, puts them in the truck or station wagon and travel along his "route" selling to people whom he knows will buy from him because they are his customers.

They are excellent salesman, and when given a decent commission, can do a terrific job of selling your products.

The best way to contact them is to rent a "wagon Jobber" mailing list from a mailing broker, and then write a detailed letter describing the product you want to sell and what kind of financial arrangement or commissions you are offering.

The more people you get to sell, the larger your profits will be.