Earn Big Money In A Business Anyone Can Operate

Here is business anyone can operate, making excellent profits. This is NOT a little-known business and is one you are probably already aware exists. The business I am writing about is NAME LISTS.

One New York firm boasts profits of over $100,000 a year selling names to direct mail houses. YOU CAN DO IT TOO. I don't guarantee you will make $100,000 a year selling names, but you can easily make $100 each and every week if you follow these simple instructions.

1) Run the following advertisement over your name: RECEIVE HUNDREDS OF BIG MAILS FREE. GET LISTED FOR 10˘. (YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS).

When names begin coming in, type them on name and address labels which you can get at a stationery store.

2) Sell your lists for about $4.00 per 100 names and $30 per thousand (many charge $40 per thousand).

3) Make a list of the major mail order houses which advertise in the Mechanics and Women's magazines and send a printed post card to each of them explaining your offer to sell mail-order names to them typed on gummed labels.

4) The original remittance of 10˘ you received from the individuals who requested to be listed with you will pay for your acknowledgments to them (and you can enclose your other offers to these people for more profits).



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