How To Advertise On The Internet
Do you want to reach millions of potential customers for FREE! Well, you can if you know how. The Internet, that massive network of thousands of computers around the world, also know as the "Information Super Highway," is your ticket to generating free leads and sales.
But beware the Internet is generally VERY MUCH AGAINST ANY COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY. The Internet was originally set up by the government for individuals and universities to have a massive database of information. The Internet has pretty much gotten out of control with its explosive growth over the past few months and years.
The Internet is known basically as an Anarchy. There isn't really anyone who runs and regulates the Internet, at least not for now. So pretty much anything goes on the Net. But, beware that there are several thousand Net users who have self-appointed themselves as the Net Police. The Net users have been know to devastate other Net users if they do not follow their rules. The rules are pretty basic: only post in areas that are related to your message, and DO NOT ADVERTISE! The world we live in is a very commercial one, and it was only a matter of time when someone realized that a vehicle, like the Internet, that had the capability to reach millions could be used to promote business. And so people began to conduct business on the Net by placing ads and sending unsolicited E-mail letters.
Several of these advertisers were in for a big surprise. Many of them have received thousands of hate mail letters known as "flames." Their boxes were overflowed with hate mail that a lot of them were forced to go out of business online. Many of these self-appointed net policeman have even developed blacklists for advertisers. These lists are then sent to thousands of Net users and they can send these blacklist members hate mail until they leave the Net. So advertising is frowned upon on the Net and it makes several people very angry.
But that doesn't mean that there is not a RIGHT way to do it. There are little unknown newsgroups on the Internet where advertising is actually welcome. You can place ads in these sections and have confidence that you will get some good response from them, and not much hate mail if any.
These newsgroups are: aol.misc-ads biz.general biz.misc misc.entrepreneurs
These newsgroups have several sub topics for you to advertise in.
You can do some careful "digging" on the Internet and find some hidden areas to advertise in also if you look.
These newsgroups have the ability to be seen by millions, and for FREE!
Your ad will last about two weeks in each of these groups, at this time you should re-post your ads.
Keep track of your individual ad response. You may find some areas are extremely good for your business, and some aren't. You will save time and money just concentrating on the good ones.
DO NOT JUST PLACE ADS ANYWHERE! Although you possibly could make some money by placing ads in all kinds of newsgroups, it will not outweigh the trouble you will go through to get it. There is no reason to anger several thousand people just to make a few bucks. You'll make a lot more if you use good "netiquette" and develop a good Internet reputation for your business. If you are into Online Business do it for the long run, and you will be much better off. As more and more people come online everyday, you eventually be able to reach more and more potential customers.
One other way to do advertising, is sort of a "sneaky" but often welcomed way. Kind of like of press release, or editorial new product feature. "Donate" a nice article to one of the relevant topics in common with your business. Then at the end of your contributed article give a SHORT AND CONCISE "plug" for you product or service. Let them contact you for more information. Do not use the ad to do the selling, do that with information you will send them later.
You can also create what is called a "sig file" which stands for signature file. This is a footer that is added to the bottom of all of your posts. Your sig file can have your name, company, e-mail address, and any short sales message you would like others to see. This is a good place to tell others to e- mail you for more info on what you are marketing.